Maria Pia is Associate Professor of Tax Law at the Department of Law Sciences - Suor Orsola
Benincasa University, Naples.
She is the Director of the European Tax Law Research Centre of the University Suor Orsola
Benincasa, Ius Fiscale Europaeum (IFE).
She holds courses in tax law and international and European tax law at the Faculty of Law and in
economics and green economy and the tax law module at the School of Specialisation for Law
Professions of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples.
She is a member of the Teaching Board of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University PhD programme,
Humanities and Technologies: an integrated research path and tutor of several Ph. D. students.
She is Erasmus Head of the Law and Business Administration and Green Economy courses.
Her main areas of activity are tax law with particular reference to taxpayer procedure and protection,
EU tax law, environmental tax law (agriculture, circular economy, waste and regional policy).
She is Author of more than 80 publications, two books in the field of Tax Law.

Full professor of European Union Law at the Department of Legal Studies, University of
Naples "Suor Orsola Benincasa." Member of the scientific committees of several scientific
reviews and academic associations. Author of numerous publications on topics related to
European Union law. His main areas of specialization are competition law (state aid,
mergers, restrictive agreements), EU institutional law (foreign and security), the single
market and other EU policies (especially agriculture, energy, environment, food safety,
regional policy).

Academic Chairman of IBFD (The Netherlands). Holder of a Jean Monnet ad Personam
Chair in European Tax Law and Policy at WU Vienna (Austria). Full Professor of Tax
Law at the University of Salerno (Italy).
Professor honoris causa at the Ural State Law University (Russia), Doctor honoris
causa at the University of Örebro (Sweden) and Honorary Professor at the University
of Cape Town (South Africa).
Editor-in-chief of the World Tax Journal, of the International Tax Studies, of the
Doctoral Series and of the Global Tax Treaty Commentaries. Co-editor of Diritto e
Pratica Tributaria Internazionale. Member of the editorial committee of many other
Co-Director of IBFD ́s Observatory for the Protection of Taxpayers ́ Rights. Co-Chair
of the Tax Committee of the International Law Association. Secretary of the
Executive Board of the European Association of Tax Law Professors (EATLP). Member
of the Permanent Scientific Committee of the International Fiscal Association (IFA).
President of the Ius Fiscale Europaeum research centre. President of the Italian
Association for Latin American Tax Law (AIDTLA) and, in such capacity, member of
the Board of Directors of the Latin American Institute for Tax Law (ILADT).
Has (co-)edited more than 60 books and authored 8 books and more than 230 articles
and/or book chapters. He is fluent in seven languages (and has good knowledge of an
eighth), in which he regularly lectures and presents. He has published in twelve
His core research areas are International and European tax law. His current specific
research interest includes the analysis of CJEU’s tax case law, tax treaties, taxation
of the digitalized economy, protection of taxpayers’ rights, inter-nation tax equity in
the relations with developing countries, settlement of cross-border tax disputes and
the impact of public international law on international tax law.

Raffaella is a Confirmed Researcher in Constitutional Law at the Department of
Legal Studies - University of Naples "Suor Orsola Benincasa", PhD in Public Law
at the University of Naples "Federico II". She is a qualified lawyer. She is a
member of the scientific committees of various cultural associations and
foundations and the author of numerous publications on topics related to
constitutional law. She teaches Regional Law, Constitutional Law of
Biotechnology. She is also a member of the editorial board of the journal
"Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo" Univ. Bocconi- Il Mulino and member
of the academic staff of the Jean Monnet Chair in "European law of protection
of individuals in relation to new technologies" (PROTECH). Call 2019 -

Research Fellow in EU Law at the University of Catanzaro Magna Graecia, Department of Law. Adjunct Professor in European Internal Market Law at the same University. PhD in EU Law at the University of Naples “Parthenope”. She has lectured/seminars on institutional profiles of EU law and participated in numerous national and international conferences as a speaker. She is member of the academic staff of the Jean Monnet Module in “Artificial Intelligence for European Justice (AI4EJ)” at LUM University of Casamassima (BA) – a.a. 2021-2022. Since its foundation (September 2018), she has been a member of the AISDUE, the Italian Association of European Union Law Scholars. She is also member of the association “Comparative and European Public Law” and the association “European Society of International Law” (ESIL). She is member of the editorial board of various law reviews (BlogDUE. “I Post di AISDUE” (“AISDUE Papers”), European Review of Digital Administration & Law (ERDAL), Comparative and European Public Law - DPCE online). Since 2013, she has been a qualified lawyer.

PhD student of Tax Law at the Department of Legal Studies, University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa. Collaborator of the research center IFE (Ius Fiscale Euro-paeum) at the University Of Naples, Suor Orsola Benincasa. Author of several publications on topics related to Tax law. His main areas of specialization are: “state aid”,“right to a fair trial”.

Is Ph.D. in joint Ph.D programs Humanities and Technologies: an integrated research path, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples and Ordenación Jurídica del Mercado, University of Vigo. Her Ph.D. project focuses on the opportunities offered by the tax policy to support the circular economy. She is Assistant professor at the Department of Law, Interdepartmental Course of Business administration and Green Economy and Interdepartmental Course of Economics, Management & Sustainability, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples She is Coordinator and Member of the Editorial Board of the European Tax Law Research Centre “Ius Fiscale Europaeum” (IFE). She is also Member of the Editorial Board of the A-ranked Italian scientific journal “Diritto e pratica tributaria internazionale”